HOSHIN SUL (The Art of Self-Defense) of CHAYON-RYU

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HOSHIN SUL (The Art of Self-Defense) of CHAYON-RYU


Grandmaster Kim Soo, founder of Chayon-Ryu with the masters of Chayon-Ryu, demonstrate the self-defense techniques of the Chayon-Ryu System. Taken from the parent styles of Chayon-Ryu, variations are taken from Okinawan Karate, Chinese Kung-Fu, and the throwing art of Aikido. This volume includes defenses against : Grabs, Punch & Strikes, Knife and club, pistol and bayonet rifle, take-downs, body grabbing and choking, and more featuring an introduction by System Founder GRANDMASTER KIM SOO

DVD: approx. running time 25 minutes

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